As the third millennium begins, Anatomy of Hatha Yoga is the only modern authoritative source that correlates the study of hatha yoga with anatomy and physiology. Yoga teachers, personal trainers, medical therapists of all kinds, or anyone who is at times curious or troubled about how the body responds to stretching and exercise will find in this book a cornucopia – partly new and partly old – of readable and reliable information.
Chapter 1 summarizes general principles of anatomy and physiology as applied to hatha yoga. Breathing is next in chapter 2 because yogic breathing expedites movement and posture. Breathing is followed by pelvic and abdominal exercises in chapter 3 because the pelvis and abdomen form the foundation of the body.
Standing postures will then be covered in chapter 4 because these poses are so important for beginning students, and because they provide a preview of backbending, forward bending, and twisting postures, which are covered in detail in chapters 5, 6, and 7.
The headstand and shoulderstand, including an introduction to cardiovascular function, are presented in chapters 8 and 9. Postures for relaxation and meditation are treated last in chapter 10.
- Dimensions: 6¼” x 9¼” inches
- Pages: 623
- Hardcover
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